Book Review: The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance


One of my goals for Q1 of 2020 was to focus on learning more about the financial industry. I do work in finance but my degree is in marketing so sometimes I feel a bit behind in learning everything there is to know about finance. I saw The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance by Michele Cagan, CPA and Elisabeth Lariviere on Instagram and thought it would be a fun read to help explain some of the basics.

Even if you aren’t interested in learning about finance I would recommend this book. It has so many helpful tips on debt, budgeting, investing, buying a home, etc. These topics relate to pretty much anyone and it’s not a boring read. In fact, I read the whole thing in under an hour and it really did help me understand some of the basics better.


Balance your budget, plan for your future, and breeze through confusing details with this easy-to-follow illustrated personal finance guide.

Get your finances in shape! In The Infographic Guide to Personal Finance, you will learn all the skills you need to make good financial decisions and grow your personal wealth. Full of colorful descriptions organized in an easy-to-read format, this book contains infographics such as:

-Choosing your bank
-Building an emergency fund
-Choosing a financial planner
-Where your money is going
-What not to buy
-Health insurance
-Property insurance
-What federal taxes pay for

With the help of this guide, you’ll learn how to make good investments, save for big things like a house or college tuition, budget, and more!


Personal finance can be such a confusing topic and isn’t always taught to you while in school. It’s easy to get a credit card when you’re young and later find yourself digging your way out of a pile of debt. This is such a great resource if you have questions about how the financial industry works and how to get involved in your finances.

I’ve always been interested in money but even if you aren’t this is a great read! I promise it’s not a boring finance book! I found helpful information for my everyday life as well as tips for saving for retirement, paying off debt, and finding the best insurance.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

For a quick read, this book had so much great information for people of all ages! I think this would be a fantastic graduation or wedding gift to help those just starting out on their financial journeys. I’ll be hanging onto my copy to use as a reference.

This isn’t your average book because it contains hundreds of graphics that explain the ins and outs of personal finance in a way that will really help you to understand the topic. There are colorful charts, graphs, and images on every single page!

Have you read any good books lately?




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