The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith

Book Review - The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith

Hi friends!

A couple of weeks ago I read The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith. I had read the first two chapters online and really wanted to know what ended up happening to Eden. I knew this would be different than the other books I have been reading recently.

I will start off my saying that I didn’t completely love this book. It was tough to read at times but the message is so important. After reading this I feel compelled to have others read it too. It may not end up being your favorite book but it might give you perspective and understanding of what other’s are feeling.

Here’s the description:

Eden was always good at being good. Starting high school didn’t change who she was. But the night her brother’s best friend rapes her, Eden’s world capsizes.

What was once simple, is now complex. What Eden once loved—who she once loved—she now hates. What she thought she knew to be true, is now lies. Nothing makes sense anymore, and she knows she’s supposed to tell someone what happened but she can’t. So she buries it instead. And she buries the way she used to be.

Told in four parts—freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year—this provocative debut reveals the deep cuts of trauma. But it also demonstrates one young woman’s strength as she navigates the disappointment and unbearable pains of adolescence, of first love and first heartbreak, of friendships broken and rebuilt, all while learning to embrace the power of survival she never knew she had hidden within her heart.

If you have been through high school you can probably relate to Eden in some ways. High school is about finding yourself and Eden lost her way for a reason that was completely out of her control.

The book follows Eden through her high school career and gets darker as time goes on. I was mad at her for not telling her mom right after it happened and it hurt watching their mother-daughter relationship falter as the years went on. I wanted her family to understand how she was feeling so badly but completely understand why she felt that she couldn’t say anything.

The Way I Used To Be was a powerful book with a strong female lead. I actually hurt for Eden and it opened up my eyes to how people feel in her situation. It may not be based on a true story but it shows the victim’s perspective after being raped.

Have you read any insightful books that changed your way of thinking?

Thanks for reading!



Five on Friday #3

Five on Friday

Woohoo! It’s finally Friday!

I’ve decided to do these Five on Friday posts every other week or so. They are fun to write and I know that I will enjoy looking back on them in the future.

  1. We are finally throwing a house warming party for our family this weekend! I’m excited to give everyone the grand tour.
  2. Brett and I are also going to Cedar Point this weekend with our friend and my sister. I’m not really looking forward to this because we’ve already been once this year and headaches + rollercoasters are not a great mix. But Brett loves it and Halloweekends is usually pretty fun so it’ll be okay.
  3. I will be reading The Way I Used To Be  by Amber Smith this weekend and I am SO excited! I’ve read a preview of this book and it was really emotional. I think it’s going to be a great read.
  4. I made a pretty good sized Thred-Up order that should be arriving in the next week days. I was looking for a few items for our trip to Rome and also some fall staples. Fingers crossed!
  5. I am planning on cleaning out my closet again this weekend. I gave a huge bag of clothes to my sister a couple of weeks ago but I know that there’s even more things that I can part ways with.

What are you up to this weekend?


Image via Unsplash