How I Handle the “Real World” & Blogging


Most people in my “real” life don’t know that I have a blog. It’s not something that I really advertise because I don’t want to answer questions or have people that I know read my blog. Most of the time what I’m posting about is really personal. I share my feelings, views, and opinions without having to worry about too much backlash but I often wonder what would happen if my family, friends, and acquaintances were reading.

I used to share the link to my blog on Facebook and Instagram so it’s not exactly a secret. My Instagram is weird because I post about my blog on stories but not really on the main feed. I’m so weird about it because so many of my “real life” friends and family follow me on Instagram.

All of this weirdness stems from me being an awkward introvert. I have such a hard time talking about my personal feelings in real life and become super awkward and change the subject ASAP.

I guess the truth is that I’m still trying to figure out how to balance blogging and my personal life. Blogging is something that I’m passionate about but I don’t know how I would feel if everyone knew about and read my blog.

How do you handle blogging?


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash



19 thoughts on “How I Handle the “Real World” & Blogging

  1. The Lexington Bookie says:

    I’m the opposite in that, I pretty much have told everyone- friends, fam, etc.- that I blog because it’s become such a big part of my life. I have to coordinate blogging with all the other things I’m trying to balance in my life, and that includes them. I find that it has helped having their support- they don’t always read what I’m writing about, but they’ll ask how the blog is doing, if I’ve done anything fun for it, what’s been my favorite current read, etc. I understand that blogging is personal, and that families aren’t always tight-knit, but having someone close to you who you can share this part of your life with is great for support and encouragement, and it’s helped me be able to share what’s important to me with them.


    • Life of Hayley says:

      Thank you for sharing! I do feel like I need to find some support in my personal life to talk about blogging with. I find it very lonely that I can’t share what I’m working on and what I feel so passionate about. It’s amazing that you found such great support from your loved ones. I look forward to having that one day!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thinkandbeehappy says:

    Hey Hayley, I used to be the same. I shared personal things on my blog and for some reason I wasn’t ready for everyone to see that. I stopped sharing my blog and just kept it to myself. I don’t know what changed but now I love sharing it with everyone. I know not all of my friends and family read my blog or even care but some do and share amazing support. It has definitely helped me to have more confidence in blogging and to not stop.


    • Life of Hayley says:

      I hope I see that change too! I would love to not feel weird about sharing my blog to my friends and family. I still don’t feel very confident in my blogging so I know that’s something I need to work on!


  3. Chanelle says:

    I understand where you’re coming from and I’d say I’m similar. I don’t shout from the rooftops that I have a blog but it is linked in my Instagram profile and I occasionally mention it on there so if people stumble across it that’s fine. I’m a better writer than speaker and I like how this is my little corner where I can share my loves, my life etc. there’s no right or wrong whether you tell everyone about your blog or your prefer to keep it to yourself 🙂


  4. Stephanie says:

    It wasn’t until like three months ago when I decided to make a Facebook page and even link my blog on my Instagram accounts. I was so nervous at first because I was afraid of what people I know would say. It does make me sad to censor some of my thoughts, but then that generates a new way around the idea I’m trying to get across, haha! Just blog the way you want and if you wanna integrate the two in time, most definitely! My loved ones have become my biggest supporters already and it’s nice of them choosing to read it. Best to you!


    • Life of Hayley says:

      I love this! I’m glad you have been able to share with your real world people! That gives me hope that in time I will find the courage to do so as well! ❤ I hate the idea of censoring my thoughts but I feel like I sort of have to do that already because I'm afraid that someone will stumble upon my writing. I hope that my loved ones would also be big supporters!


  5. peckapalooza says:

    My posts automatically go to Twitter and Facebook and, if I’ve decided to put in the effort, I’ll post to Instagram manually. I don’t actually think that many of my real life friends or family actually read what I write. In some ways, that’s comforting. However, I do wish, at times, that I had some real anonymity where my blog is concerned. Because I know there are times when I would like to blog about something that’s going on with family or friends, but I don’t because there’s still that chance that that would be the one time they actually clicked on the link to see what I had to say. So then I just keep everything as innocuous as possible…


    • Life of Hayley says:

      I usually have mine post automatically to my Twitter too but not a lot of people from my personal life follow me so it’s never been too big of a concern. It’s so hard to find that balance of sharing what’s going on in your life while keeping others out of it in case they read what you are writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Becky Turner says:

    Once upon a time, I used to sort of share my posts on my personal Twitter and Facebook, but I stopped that early last year when I was blogging more. Two or three people from my life know I have a blog, but I don’t think they regularly read it. I don’t share anything too personal on my blog, but I feel the same as you and don’t want to answer questions about my blog, why I have it, etc.

    One of these days I’d like to post on my personal social media like, oh hey I have a blog, but I haven’t found the right time yet. So that’s why I have a separate Twitter and Instagram for my blog to share my posts, although I follow bloggers on both my personal and blog social.


    • Life of Hayley says:

      Sometimes I wish I didn’t share so many personal things but I’ve always treated my blog like my safe place to share my life. But I’m not looking forward to questions about it if they ever come up.

      One day you might feel ready to share that on social media! I think we all think about doing that but it’s so scary!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Darnell Cureton says:

    A better mix for you might be to keep your blog separate from FaceBook and Instagram. Your blog can have all the very personal stuff you share that family and friends mostly wouldn’t see.
    For me, its the case of trying to keep up with my followers.
    I like to read and comment on their posts but I find it gets overwhelming at times. I get 150 to 300 postings in my email from people I follow. I have to spend a large part of the day just trying to read them. Sometimes I have to pick and choose what to read and who’s post to comment on. For balance, I don’t read or comment on the weekends. I take a break and resume on Monday. So far that works for me.


    • Life of Hayley says:

      I agree! I’ve stopped sharing to Facebook and I barely ever put anything on Instagram. It does make me feel much better to separate everything!

      I also find it hard to read and comment on every post! I love reading blogs but it’s hard now that I’ve found so many that I love! I always appreciate when others comment on mine because I know the effort that it took.


  8. miarain87 says:

    I am a “secret” blogger. I havent told any of my family or friends as im not sure how my blog will be percieved. One day I may let the cat out of the bag, but for now my freedom of speech if for me and the unknown people of the internet.


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